Bridge to Africa Connection is thankful for its lasting partnership with the women of IBWPPI.ORG. “Our vision is to connect and advocate for Black women and girls globally through acts of kindness and public policy that are simple, yet bold and compelling.”

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Zeta Xi Omega Chapter Augusta, GA and Bridge to Africa Connection (a non-profit organization), will partner together to provide assistance to families in Ghana who need our help. These families are in need of basic necessities to live off of from day to day. Any donation would help to buy a family a bag of rice and other essential needs during this time. To learn more about the global impact that is being made in Kumasi, please watch the attached video. To help in this effort, you can click the following link to make a donation. In addition, we ask that you share the link on your social networks. Let’s do our part to help end global poverty!