BRIDGE-TO-AFRICA CONNECTION is Proud of our Hemanhene.

Nana Apau Wiafe Ababio Sanwoansan & Idris Elba danced the Akan Dance together on an important day that happens every 42days in Ghana, Akwasidae. What was meant to seperate us is now drawing us together. Powerful African Men can rule nations. #ghana #african #screenactorsguild #africanroses #kumasi #hemanvillage #hemanhene

Today in Ghana we did a thing and next week well do a thing in USA.

That thing was supporting a local business and giving our Children Ice Cream. Next week we will raise funds during Superbowl Sunday selling Sundaes to help education in Ghana and to fund sending barrells filled with goods to Ghana. #icecream #sundae

February is here and we are so excited about the spirit of Love that’s floating in the air.

Ghana celebrates its rich Chocolate history this month and BTAC is honored to work with hundreds of, ” Chocolate Drops That Can Fly.” During this month we will be intentional about allowing our hearts to direct us towards all that’s good. The BTAC children will learn about love letters, healthy hearts, healthy & clean community and how to focus despite hardship. Our African Roses Blooming are Blooming with Optimism and we are here to encourage them to keep thriving. Visit our Instagram @Kumasiprojects2023 and stay connected to our daily dish of Joy. Our celebrations this month will be exciting as we celebrate Khloetines Day, Earth Day and Sundae On Sunday.

Critical BTAC Theory 101

Keep us Hating One Another
During this month BTAC will highlight the contributions of our ordinary Africans & African Americans doing Extraordinary things today. No you may not know who they are but they are making moves in the world.

Let us stop putting Africans and African Americans in categories that continue to seperate us. We are one people. Ordinary and Extraordinary in God’s Eyes. Let us join and become one. #black365 #african365 #oneafrica #blackhistory365 #blackhistorymonth

Bridge-To-Africa Connection had an amazing weekend in Beverly Hills, California accepting the Award for Philanthropy working with RESTORE WORLDWIDE. Please visit our Instagram for more. @Kumasiprojects2023

WOW Women’s Month is coming to an end and we still have a few more exciting things that are coming.

BTAC is overjoyed with all this months blessings and outpour of donations. Our Circle of Friends that visited this month gave us an extra boost of energy to keep working. Stay tuned more to come. Medaase Pa



Nourishment & Sun are required for Flowers to Bloom

BTAC is excited for this New Month because are planning to water our spirits with joy and relax our hearts.

We will plant new opportunities that will bloom in time for the Summer. Join BTAC and our Circle of Friends as we make strides with Women and Culture.


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3. March 18th 2023 – Winner announced

Seasons are changing and BTAC is proud

of all the change and growth it’s seen in the Children that we serve. April will be filled with celebration and joy. We are excited for our visitors this month and look forward to sharing with you all the new adventures. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired.

2023 is truly showing us how to balance our time and manage our program effectively.

In May we will do a lot of soul searching and find true meaning in life, and what matters.
Give people their roses while they can smell them. Do meaningful things.
You may consider them little. To the ones you love, it is all they need to get them through a rough day.
In May take time to call someone and tell them how much they mean to you. BTAC plans to teach our children how to value relationships and how to nurture them beyond things. During this month we will celebrate Labour Day, African Union Day, Mothers Day and Prepare for our June guests.


Because of you, we went from helping 12 children in 2016 to 300 children at the end of 2022 to stay in school! In seven years we enabled 36 students go to high school and have our first scholar at the University.

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Content goes hereRaising children anywhere in the world is no easy task, it takes everything out of you! We are grateful to all those who came to Ghana, saw us working to make a difference in the lives of children in need and committed to aid us to make a difference. When BTAC takes a child in its fold, our commitment is, we must continue to help that child even if the sponsor ceases to help. So over the years we grew but we stressed over selves beyond possibilities, but still we survived. One of the lessons learnt painfully, is when you pour into someone and they don’t give you their best performance academically with a balanced attitude it hurts! We expelled five children due to bad behavior and had to change our contract with each child to ensure focus on academic success with a winning attitude to become the best at whatever they desire to enable earning a living wage and to be a change agent for the world to see. We want the children to give back to those in need and to make a difference and help others the same way they have been helped! The economic impact of COVID impacted many of our sponsors but because of the commitment of others who gave selflessly, we survived. Thanks to all those who sent barrels of clothing, hygiene products, shoes and such? the children served by BTAC thrived! No matter the amount donated, every dime went into helping a child. BTAC have nine schools within our fold. With our community of partners we have built schools, renovated schools, built libraries, computer labs, installed Water Wells, Toilet facilities and a Clinic to improve the surroundings where our children learn and the communities we serve. We focus on maintaining what we have put in place and to do all this is not easy but with the support from our donors we have prevailed. BTAC renewed focus is to focus on improving the child academically and help them get ready for a profession or trade with a winning attitude to enable a better life with the tools needed for success at being the best. Change is painful but it’s necessary.

Welcome to our joyful summer and Kitawonsa (July)

BTAC has truly been blessed with donors who care about our youth and their academic excellence. We know that through academics we will continue to grow and enrich our minds. Journey with us in July and experience what it’s like to give back to our community and show gratitude to all who support us. Stay cool and remember a Smile can heal a heavy heart. Medaase

“Beautiful Minds Library”

Atasemanso R/C Primary School reopened with a beautiful re-dedication celebration on Thursday, August 17,2023!
Thanks to all BTAC Circle of Friends who made this possible🙏🏾❤

BTAC celebrated and recognized the achievements and completion of BECE (Basic Education Certificate Examination) for 19 students.

This is BTAC fifth class of graduates from Junior High School (JHS).
Thank You to all our sponsors these children completed JHS👏🏾
They will now embark on a new chapter of your life, where they will navigate their way through high school, university and/or trade school.
BTAC will always be here to support them if they stay focused you meet the criteria of EXCELLENCE!

BTAC founder, Madam Adwoa Dawn heart is full because 8 years ago when she met the Sunday Morning Girls, her only hope was to help these twelve girls finish Primary School! However, God is Great and because of “BTAC Circle of Friends” who support and contribute to BTAC, we are now helping over 270 children.
Thank You for helping us manage the challenges and obstacles, the journey haven’t been easy but we will continue to do our best to help these children stay and thrive in school!

Longwood University Girls Conference in Kumasi!

Dr. Erica Brown-Meredith and Dr. Marsha Rutledge lead a group of ten students from Longwood University in Virginia to pour-in and plant seeds of learning for the students attending the Girls Conference at Atasemanso R/C Primary School.
seventy girls and ages 11 to 16 participated in this conference and it was awesome to see these beautiful Longwood University students deliver lessons related to “Your Health Matters”.
University is definitely in the reach for our girls if they keep focused🙏🏾
Thank You Dr. Erica and Dr. Marsha for executing your promise to work with BTAC to change lives one child at a time🙏🏾
At the end of the conference a much needed Projector was gifted to the Atasemanso R/C Primary School.
Helping the children know that they can be University Bound.

AUGUST has arrived and BTAC is prepared to face it with Optimism and Determination.

In July BTAC Atasemaso Library was damaged in an electrical fire. There were no casualties. However, hundreds of books were damaged and we have to rebuild. The Library is a safe haven for our youth in Kumasi and we must rebuild. Our Circle of Friends has began to send books from abroad and we are confident that by end of August our Library will be restored.

SEPTEMBER! Ɛbɔ We welcome you with a smile and unspeakable joy

Education and Leadership is our focus this month. We have visitors from the diaspora who are planning to work with our children and educate them on “Paving their Future.” Please use this month to focus on you and your future.



OCTOBER has arrived, and the season has changed

We have seen more rain in Ghana than usual, and our children are still doing their best and managing their education with limited household resources . BTAC is happy to see growth and continue to water it’s Scholars with the most powerful tool their is education. Education is the only way forward. This month, we will teach our youth about STEM and continue to provide tutors in math& science. October reminds us of all of the importance of supporting education and learning at every stage of life. Remember — it’s not just for children. Gaining knowledge doesn’t have an expiration date. Education and learning are critical to human progress. Witness the journey and be apart of the solution. Donate today and follow our Instagram.

NOVEMBER allows us to see the beautiful life that has been offered to us

We see the state of the world, and although things are not perfect, we are thankful. BTAC has zipped through 2023 with only one more month to go, and we thank God for the continued support and blessings to our Educational Program. Our scholars have learned a great deal this year. However, the most valuable lesson they learned was to be ” grateful.” Oftentimes, we can get so used to taking and receiving that the entitlement can creep in. We challenged our scholars to rise above their circumstances and know that through BTAC and it’s donors that all is possible. BTAC is thankful to You! YES YOU! Because of donors like you, we can provide the best in education, leadership, and encouragement to all who we serve in Kumasi, Ghana.

Giving Liberates the Soul❤

IKE’s Cafe and Grill in Kumasi, Ghana is celebrating USA Thanksgiving Day by giving back to the patients and staff at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.
Bridge-To-Africa Connection, Inc. (BTAC) students and our leader, Jennifer, are volunteering their time to help prepare breakfast for all of the patients and staff at the hospital. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve this community for the fourth year in a row and look forward to making this Thanksgiving a memorable one for everyone involved.
Ike’s Cafe & Grill

“Embracing December: Finding Joy Within, Giving Back, and Prioritizing Self-Care”

In the festive month of December, let’s explore the profound significance of discovering joy within ourselves, fostering a spirit of generosity, and remembering to prioritize self-care above all else.

BTAC delves into the transformative power of self-discovery, emphasizing the idea that true happiness originates from within. By exploring the depths of our own passions, interests, and values, we can unlock a lasting sense of joy that extends beyond the holiday season.

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Content goeFurthermore, December is a time for giving, and BRIDGE TO AFRICA CONNECTION highlights the various ways in which acts of kindness and generosity can create a ripple effect of positivity. Whether it’s through charitable deeds, volunteering, or small gestures of kindness, the act of giving back not only enriches the lives of others but also enhances our own sense of purpose and fulfillment. While embracing the spirit of giving, it’s essential to underscore the importance of self-care. Amidst the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, we must not forget to prioritize our well-being. This report encourages individuals to carve out moments for self-reflection, relaxation, and personal growth, reinforcing the idea that caring for oneself is a prerequisite for effectively caring for others. Ultimately, “Embracing December” serves as a guide to navigating the holiday season with a harmonious blend of self-discovery, generosity, and self-care. By finding joy within, giving back to the community, and prioritizing personal well-being, individuals can create a meaningful and fulfilling December experience for themselves and those around them.s here


The Pontchartrain Chapter of The Links Incorporated recently undertook a renovation project at Atasemanso RC Primary in Kumasi, Ghana. They transformed a classroom from floor to roof; provided 40 student chairs, desks, and a teacher’s table. Today, we gathered via ZOOM to officially dedicate this newly renovated space.

Thanks to The Links Pontchartrain Chapter efforts, thirty-five children now have access to a proper roofed classroom where they can learn without being hindered by rain. This marks the second classroom donated by the Pontchartrain Chapter of The Links, and we are thrilled to see the positive impact it has had on the students, teachers, and community. The gratitude expressed by all involved is truly heartwarming.


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2. If you wish to support for our 2nd Line with Candy or Beads then please inbox or text for local options yo drop off Sweets!

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